Wood Badge

Open to adults, including Scouters and Venturers and Sea Scouts ages 18 through 20, the Wood Badge course is a week-long or two week-end, internationally recognized leadership development course. Wood Badge serves as the basic leadership training program for all branches of Scouting, including the Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Sea Scouting, and Venturing programs. Wood Badge allows an in-depth exploration of leadership skills as well as a supervised implementation of the skills through a multi-part, post-course delivery plan referred to as a “ticket.” The Wood Badge leadership development program is offered through the local council or on a cluster-council basis. A local council requests authorization to conduct this National Leadership training.

Wood Badge teaches participants the basics of listening, managing conflict, leading change, stages of team development, coaching & mentoring, leadership for different stages, servant leadership, project planning, communicating, valuing people, and more. Once the skill is learned, each member is given the opportunity to use the skill as a member of a successful working team. At the conclusion of the course, each participant develops a set of personal goals related to his or her Scouting role known as "the Ticket." Working toward these goals allows each participant to practice and demonstrate new skills. Want some more information, look here...